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About Philip and Spiritual Counselling (Barrie, ON)

Philip Cable - Registered Psychotherapist B.Sc.Agr. M.Div.

Philip Cable - Registered Psychotherapist B.Sc.Agr. M.Div; Barrie ON

Physical pain, trauma, grief, phobias, relationship problems, addiction issues, low self esteem, disease, depression, questioning the meaning of life or other spiritual questions? I can help. I can offer supportive
accompaniment to enable you to discover your own deep inner resources. Together we'll find more healthy, purposeful,
creative and joyful ways to experience life. I bring over 25 years of experience providing spiritual counsel and support to individuals and groups.

I have worked as a United Church Minister and Chaplain. To this service of compassionate listening, I have added many psychotherapeutic tools and techniques including the Energy Psychology of E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Techniques) often referred to simply as tapping. Our work together can help develop your emotional intelligence, literacy and resilience.


Depression is not a choice; it is a disease, and like all other diseases it can only be healed with deep compassion and gentle care. By the time the disease of depression has settled into the very core of our being we often do not have the capacity left to surround ourselves with the compassion and care we need... READ MORE


In my experience anxiety is rarely something that comes upon us all at once, as if ‘out of the blue’. Our consciousness of anxiety may feel like it has struck us as if out of nowhere; but, it has usually been around just under the surface of our awareness for a long time. Like the frog in the pot of water...READ MORE

Low Self-Esteem

People who live with low self-esteem can feel afraid to look inside of themselves for fear that they are going to find only an empty shell, or worse still, something dirty, rotten or bad. This raises the importance of finding someone deeply compassionate...READ MORE


I believe Dr. Maté’s claim that ; “The source of addiction is not to be found in genes, but in early childhood environment.” In his book, "In the Realm Of Hungry Ghosts," he draws on cutting-edge science to illuminate this point of view and calls for a more compassionate approach toward the addicted person...READ MORE

Relationship Issues

I do not offer Couples Therapy, I work with individuals who wish to work on their own personal issues which keep them struggling in their most intimate, social and or work related relationships. There is a common myth that everyone has a soulmate...READ MORE

Suicide Awareness and Help

Thoughts of harming ourselves or committing suicide can be triggered by any number of traumas in our lives; Loss/ grief (job, relationship, health) Loneliness, Stress, Addiction. If you are thinking of suicide speak to someone you trust immediately. This might be a family member, friend, teacher, co-worker, your doctor or a professional counsellor or therapist...READ MORE

No one is expected to face the inevitable pain of life, living and learning alone